
Landing Page Optimization Best Practices

So now you are starting to get some decent traffic to your site or you have taken the plunge with Google Adwords, but, as fate would have it, none of these new visitors you have invested your time, energy, effort or capital in are converting into leads or customers. Why not? You have a great looking website, you invested in Adwords spend to drive traffic, what is going on? Great question…I’m so glad you asked. This article is going to discuss “Landing Page Optimization” for more (or better) conversions into leads or sales. Believe it or not, conversion optimization is a BIG DEAL out there in ecommerce land. There are hundreds (if not thousands) of companies out there that have built very successful business models just helping other ....[read more]

Landing Page Optimization Best Practices

The Evolution of PPC

In 2013, more than half the staff in the average office will have heard of PPC, or pay-per-click, even if they don’t quite know what it is – but not long ago, only those who worked in digital marketing knew anything about it. Following the exponential growth of the digital marketing industry over the last decade, pay-per-click advertising is no longer a niche marketing medium. As we have moved towards a digital economy, few stragglers remain. Nearly all large, medium-sized and indeed many small companies, either having led the way or dragged kicking and screaming, have moved with the times....

The Evolution of PPC